Child Support

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Child Support Attorney In Tempe, Arizona

Reaching An Agreement With Your Divorced Spouse

A court order sets child support responsibilities. Sometimes, you and your former spouse will find common ground. In other instances, you may have to go to court to find a solution. Regardless of your particular situation, Emile Harmon, your dedicated family law attorney in Tempe, Arizona, stands ready to work diligently to ensure your child support order is fair and appropriate.

Child support is a legal responsibility that a parent has to financially support their child or children. It is typically determined by a court order, which outlines the specific amount and frequency of payments that must be made. This order takes into consideration factors such as the income of both parents, the number of children involved, and any special needs or circumstances.

In some cases, both parents are able to come to an agreement on child support without involving the court. However, this is not always possible and sometimes disputes may arise. When this happens, it may be necessary for one or both parties to seek legal assistance from a family law attorney like Emile Harmon.

Emile understands that each case is unique and requires personalized attention. He will work closely with you to gather all necessary information and evidence, and then present a strong case on your behalf. He will also guide you through the entire process, from filing the initial petition for child support to ensuring that payments are made in a timely manner.

Contact Harmon Law Office to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today. 480-900-1707

Catering To Your Unique Needs

At the heart of Harmon Law Office  in Tempe, Arizona is the belief that every family is unique. Emile delivers individualized, compassionate service to ensure your family's needs are met in a fair and balanced manner. Understanding the complexities of the child support guidelines is no small task, but Emile navigates these waters with aptitude and care. He ensures that the child support you pay or receive takes into account the child’s needs, the parents’ incomes, contributions to daycare expenses, health insurance, and the allocated amount of overnight visitation resulting in a fair and equitable outcome for everyone involved. To understand how your circumstances could affect your child support arrangement with Emile Harmon, reach out today.

A Trusted Guide in Your Corner

Family matters can often be fraught with emotion. Emile Harmon, a Family Law practitioner in Tempe, Arizona, is dedicated to distinguishing truth from misleading information. Armed with a comprehensive understanding of child support guidelines, Harmon aims to guide you toward a favorable outcome. As a reliable companion, you can assuredly challenge your divorced or separated associates, irrespective of their defenses. Commence your path toward an equitable child support ruling with Emile Harmon. 

Family law cases can often be complex and emotionally charged. As an experienced Family Law practitioner in Tempe, Arizona, Emile Harmon understands the importance of approaching these matters with sensitivity and objectivity. He is committed to helping clients navigate through the legal system and obtain a fair resolution.

One crucial aspect of family law cases is child support. Determining appropriate child support payments can be challenging, as it involves understanding complicated guidelines and taking into account various factors such as income, expenses, and custody agreements. Emile Harmon has a thorough understanding of these guidelines and can provide you with experience and guidance throughout the process. Contact us today to arrange an appointment.

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